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Bonita Aesthetics

Dark Circles and Sunken under eyes – Causes and Treatment Options

Dark circles and sunken under eyes, often making one appear fatigued even after ample rest, afflict millions globally, ranking high among common cosmetic concerns. The causes range from genetic predispositions, aging, to lifestyle habits. Temporary alleviations include makeup, cold compresses, or caffeine or vitamin K-infused eye creams, which may brighten the area and reduce puffiness, albeit briefly. For more lasting solutions, tear trough fillers and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections stand out. Tear trough fillers employ hyaluronic acid to plump the under-eye area, smoothing hollows and shadows for a rejuvenated look, with effects lasting 12-18 months. Conversely, PRP injections, utilizing the patient’s blood, stimulate collagen production and tissue repair, offering improvement over 2-3 years with multiple sessions. The choice between treatments depends on various factors including the severity of the condition, age, and overall health, warranting a consultation with a qualified provider to ascertain the most suitable option. With the right treatment, combating dark circles and sunken eyes, one can restore a youthful and refreshed appearance, boosting self-confidence significantly.

Do you suffer from dark circles or sunken under eyes that make you look tired even after a full night’s sleep? If yes, then you’re not alone. Millions of people worldwide struggle with this issue, making it one of the most common cosmetic concerns. The appearance of dark circles and sunken eyes can be caused by various factors, including genetics, age, and lifestyle habits. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the causes and treatment options available, including tear trough filler and plasma injections.

Causes of Dark Circles and Sunken under Eyes:

There are various reasons why dark circles and sunken eyes occur, including genetics, age, lifestyle habits, and medical conditions. Genetics plays a vital role in determining the appearance of dark circles and sunken under eyes. If your parents and other family members have this condition, it’s more likely that you’ll develop it too.

Aging is another critical factor that leads to the appearance of dark circles and sunken eyes. As we age, the thin layer of fat under our eyes begins to deplete, causing the skin to appear thinner and making blood vessels more visible – resulting in dark circles. Additionally, as we age, collagen and elastin production in the skin slows down, making the skin lose its elasticity and firmness, leading to sunken areas under the eyes.

Temporary Treatment Options:

If you’re looking for temporary relief, you can try using makeup, cold compresses, or eye creams that contain caffeine or vitamin K. These treatments can help reduce puffiness and make the skin appear brighter. However, these treatments will not address the root cause of the issue and will only provide temporary relief.

Semi-Permanent Treatment Options:

The most common semi-permanent treatment options for dark circles and sunken eyes are tear trough filler and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections. Both treatments are minimally invasive and provide natural-looking results.

Tear trough filler involves injecting a hyaluronic acid-based filler into the area under the eyes to plump it up. This smooths out any bumps, hollows, or shadows, making the skin around the eyes appear firmer and rejuvenated. The results can last up to 12-18 months and may require touch-ups after that.

PRP injections involve using the patient’s blood, which is processed in a centrifuge to isolate the platelet-rich plasma. Once isolated, the PRP is injected back into the area under the eyes, stimulating collagen production, promoting tissue repair, and improving skin texture. The results usually last for around 2-3 years with multiple sessions.

Which Treatment Option is Best for You?

The answer to this question depends on various factors, including the severity and cause of your dark circles and sunken eyes, your age, and your overall health. Therefore, it’s best to schedule a virtual consultation with a qualified and experienced provider who can assess your condition and provide expert advice on the best treatment option for you.

Dark circles and sunken under eyes can be frustrating and affect your self-confidence. But with the right treatment options, you can achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. Whether you opt for temporary remedies or semi-permanent solutions like tear trough filler or PRP injections, always seek the advice of a qualified provider to ensure safe and effective results. Contact us today to schedule a virtual consultation with our experienced team of professionals and take the first step towards a more confident, radiant you!


Face Filler

Face filler is a transformative solution for sunken or hollow undereyes, providing a non-surgical method to rejuvenate and restore volume, enhancing overall facial appearance