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Bonita Aesthetics

How to Get Rid of Dark Underarms and Intimate Areas

Feeling self-conscious about dark underarms or intimate areas is a common concern transcending skin color and gender, often rooted in factors like friction, genetics, hormonal changes, or inflammation. Inflammation, particularly, could be spurred by practices like shaving, harsh deodorant use, tight clothing, or excessive skin rubbing, triggering excess melanin production which darkens the skin. While treatment options vary from natural remedies, topical creams to laser treatments and chemical peels, a combined approach using Pico laser and chemical peels has shown notable effectiveness. The Pico laser, a non-invasive procedure, targets skin pigment, breaking it down for easier elimination, while chemical peels exfoliate and rejuvenate the skin by shedding damaged outer layers and boosting collagen production. This duo can deliver enduring results in just a few sessions. However, preventative skin care, including avoiding frequent shaving, opting for loose clothing, using gentle deodorants, and applying sunscreen, is crucial to deter recurrence of darkening. Therefore, if troubled by dark underarms or intimate areas, a virtual consultation with skilled providers could offer personalized insights into the causes and the best treatment plan, paving the way towards restored confidence and an even-toned skin.

Do you feel self-conscious when wearing sleeveless tops or swimsuits because of your dark underarms or intimate areas? This is a common concern among many people, regardless of skin color and gender. Darkening of the skin in these areas could be caused by several factors, including friction, genetics, hormonal changes, and inflammation. In this blog post, we will discuss why this occurs and what you can do to treat it.

As mentioned earlier, inflammation is one of the main causes of darkening in the underarms and intimate areas. This inflammation can be triggered by shaving, using harsh deodorants or antiperspirants, wearing tight clothing, or simply rubbing the skin too much. These factors can lead to the production of excess melanin, which causes the skin to appear darker than usual.

There are several treatment options for dark underarms/intimate areas, including natural remedies, topical creams, laser treatments, and chemical peels. Natural remedies include using lemon juice, baking soda, or coconut oil as a natural exfoliant to lighten the skin. Topical creams like hydroquinone or tretinoin can also help in reducing skin pigmentation. However, these treatments may take several weeks to months to yield results.

The most effective treatment that we have found for dark underarms/intimate areas is a combination treatment of Pico laser and chemical peels. Pico laser is a non-invasive procedure that uses laser energy to target the pigment in the skin, breaking it down into smaller, more easily eliminated fragments. Chemical peels help to exfoliate and renew the skin by removing the damaged outer layers of skin and stimulating collagen production. The combination of these treatments can yield long-lasting results within a few sessions.

It is essential to note that proper skin care is crucial in preventing the recurrence of dark underarms/intimate areas. This includes avoiding shaving too often, wearing loose clothing, and using gentle, fragrance-free deodorants. Also, always wear sunscreen when going out in the sun, as UV radiation can increase the production of melanin.

Dark underarms/intimate areas are caused by inflammation triggered by several factors, and the most effective treatment is a combination of Pico laser and chemical peels. However, it is essential to maintain proper skin care to prevent its recurrence. If you are experiencing darkened underarms, bikini, or buttocks, book a virtual consult with one of our providers to better understand the cause and how to best treat it.


Chemical Peel

Chemical peels offer a targeted solution for dark underarms, gently exfoliating the skin to lighten discoloration and improve overall skin tone for a more even appearance